Q: Where is Vivacious located?

A: We are located in Charlotte NC

Q: Does Vivacious have a storefront where I can come shop in person?

A: We are currently only online.

Q: I do not live in USA, can you still ship to me?
A: We do not ship internationally at the moment.

Q: What is you return policy?
A: Please refer to our return policy page. 

Q: I live in Charlotte. Can I just pick up my order(s)?

A: We do not provide that service at this moment.

Q: I would love to speak with someone over the phone before I place my order. Is that possible?

A: Absolutely! Please contact us at 704-818-4080.

Q: Do you create custom orders?

A: Yes. We have a skilled seamstress available at the company. A consultation will be needed to move forward with any and all custom orders.

Q: What is the best method to contact you?

A: The best method to contact us is email. Email  admin@thevivaciouslife.com. Please allow 24 hours for a response due to volume.

Q: I just placed an order. I didn't see the promo code until after I completed my order. Can I still use the promo code?

A: Please contact us with this situation within two hours of your purchase.

Q: I did not receive my package.

 A: If you have not received your order, is lost, missing, stolen, or damaged, you must file a claim with the shipping provider that was selected at the time of purchase.